Sokratis Sinopoulos/Yiorgos Manolakis Duo live at Underflow
Σωκράτης Σινόπουλος - Γιώργος Μανωλάκης Duo
Δύο ξεχωριστοί και πολύ επιδραστικοί μουσικοί συμπράτουν σε ένα πολύ ιδιαίτερο ντουέτο.
Με αφετηρία την κρητική μουσική, τις ελληνικές παραδόσεις και τις παραδόσεις της μεσογείου.
Oι δύο μουσικοί παίρνουν τη σκυτάλη απ' τους παλιούς λαϊκούς μαστόρους μουσικούς
και παρουσιάζουν ένα διαλογικό πρόγραμμα που περιστρέφεται με διαδραστικούς αυτοσχεδιασμούς γύρω από τον άξονα του παλιού ρεπερτορίου.
Τετάρτη 9/10/2019
Έναρξη: 21:00
Είσοδος: 10 εύρω
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Dore Stein presents Tangents Concert Series: Sokratis Sinopoulos/Yiorgos Manolakis Duo live at Underflow
Perhaps the world's finest Politiki lyra player, Sokratis Sinopoulos will present a very new project: a duo with Cretan artist Yiorgos Manolakis, Cretan laouto, bouzouki and singer. They will perform a folk repertoire with interactive improvisations. Sokratis' quartet has a new cd on ECM called Metamodal.
Wednesday 9 October
Doors open : 21:00
Ticket: 10 euro
Sokratis Sinopoulos bio:
Greek musician Sokratis Sinopoulos is a contemporary master of the lyra, a bowed instrument that dates back to the Byzantine era. His playing is delicate and nuanced yet highly expressive, and his proficiency on the instrument has been widely acclaimed. Sinopoulos has collaborated with numerous musicians throughout the world. He’s equally comfortable crossing genre boundaries into jazz and classical, as he is to staying true to folk traditions of Greece and Eastern Mediterranean.
Giorgos Manolakis bio:
Giorgos Manolakis was born in Heraklion, Crete in 1982. When he was eight years old he began learning the cretan laouto, taught by his father, Kostas Manolakis, who was one of the major laouto players of his generation. After six years he began studying the bouzouki beside several remarkable teachers. Today Giorgos Manolakis is considered one of the greatest virtuosos of his generation on the laouto and bouzouki. He has worked with many notable musicians and composers: Ross Daly, Hainides, Naseer Shamma, Psarantonis, Sokratis Malamas, Zohar Fresco and others.