Entasis Quartet live at Underflow – Cancelled

Sunday -
Underflow Record Store&Art Gallery
Athens, Greece


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Entasis Quartet live at Underflow

 Κυριακή 12 Απριλίου 2020 οι Entasis Quartet live at underflow.Το Underflow record store & art gallery φιλοξενεί τους Aklra Sakata (alto saxophone, clarinet, vocals, bells) , Christos Yermenoglou (drums, percussion) , Giovanni Di Domenico (piano) & Giotis Damianidis (guitar), την Κυριακή 12 Απριλίου 2020 για ένα μοναδικό live στις 21:00.

Doors open : 21:00

Ticket : 20 euro

Akira Sakata (坂⽥明) was born in Kure-city, Hiroshima in 1945. Studied marine biology at Hiroshima university. Formed a group Saibo-bunretsu (Cell fission) in Tokyo in 1969, and was
also performing with various free-jazz musicians during this time. Since the late 1960s, Sakata has been a constant figure in jazz and creative music scenes as an ever evolving and adventurous, multi-instrumentalist, and member of classic groups such as Yamashita Yosuke Trio, from 1972 till 1979, and Wha-ha-ha plus many of his own, like the Sakata Akira mii.
He has recorded with Chris Cosey, Peter Brotzmann in Last Exit, DJ Krush, Yoshimio, and others.
In 2005 he began peforming with guitarist Jim O'Rourke, drummer Chris Corsano and acoustic bassist Darin Gray.
They've since released three albums together. Friendly Pants is the first American release by Sakata in more than 20 years. It pairs the 65-year-old traveler alongside bombast Chikamorachi (Corsano/Gray) and O'Rourke as the producer.

Christos Yermenoglou started his music studies in Greece, studying byzantine music and drums. He continued in the U.S.A. where he studied drums, classical percussion, latin percussion and jazz. He taught at the University of Nevada Early Childhood Music Program. He is founder and teacher in the Baby Artist: Program for the Musical Development of Infants, Toodlers, and Preschoolers, which operates in Thessaloniki since 2001, and is currently under the auspices of the University of Macedonia, in Thessaloniki, Greece. He has been an instructor of drums in lifelong learning programs for educators at the University of Macedonia. Since 2001, he is teaching drums in public and private conservatories and other educational settings. He has recorded music for theatrical plays and participates in improvisatory projects including music, painting, movement, poetry and drama. He has collaborated with the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra of the Municipality of Thessaloniki. He has performed with many musicians from around the world, among which are Milcho Leviev, Mark Whitfield, Sheila Jordan, John Russell, Graig Bailey, Gianni Lenoci, Thollem Mc Donas, Fred Longberg-Holme, Sakis Papadimitriou, Akira Sakata. He has participated in international music festivals in Greece and abroad and has extensive personal discography, as well as numerous participations in disc productions by artists from Greece and other countries.

Giovanni Di Domenico, pianist, performer, composer, was born in Rome on the 20th July 1977,a significantly tempestuous period in socio-political terms, featuring hostile polarizations and an
ostensive paramilitarism, mutinous ideological confrontations and bloody terrorist attacks,rendered infamous in the description ‘Years of Lead’. In that particularly caustic summer, the socalled ‘Movement of 1977’, non-aligned, without any ties to the Parliament and non-violent,broke into the scene of prevalent conspiracy-steeped paranoia condemning the repressive,discriminatory and authoritarian tendencies of the Italian State and demanding equality for minorities and further civil rights.

Giotis Damianidis (b. 1981) is a Greek guitarist, improviser, composer. He grew up in Thessaloniki and lives in Brussels since 2006 where he started exploring music, guitar and bass
playing intensively until today. He has performed all over Europe west and central Africa playing different styles of music such as free jazz, free improvisation, Afro beat, funk, psychedelic rock
with the research and exploration of improvisation being his main occupation and tool of expression the last few years.

Hōryū-ji or else Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law is one of the powerful Seven Great Buddhist Temples in Japan. Horyu-ji has entasis, in architecture, the application of a convex curve to a surface for aesthetic purposes. It also serves an engineering function regarding strength, the key word of this collaboration that brought together Sakata, Yermenoglou, Di Domenico and Damianidis in a two days live concert meeting in Duende jazz club at Thessaloniki in May 2018. The record is the outcome of the second day, 50 minutes of pure improvisation exactly as it happened, capturing the magic of the moment, the essence of free improvisation. A great memory of intense, free, open, deeply spiritual music without boundaries.
Recorded live by Minas Vasiliou at Duende Jazz Club in Thessaloniki, Greece. Mixed by Giovanni Di Domenico. Artwork and design by Ioannis Koukotzilas. All music improvised by Akira Sakata (alto saxophone, clarinet, vocals, bells), Christos Yermenoglou (drums, percussion), Giovanni Di Domenico (piano), Giotis Damianidis (quitar). Released the 12th of May 2019 as a CD and 12’ LP (limited edition) on eL NEGOCITO/Mr. Nakayasi/S7 records.

Το “Hōryū-ji” ή αλλιώς το Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law είναι ένα από τα Επτά Ισχυρά Βουδιστικά Τέμπλα στην Ιαπωνία. Το “Hōryū-ji” έχει ένταση, που αρχιτεκτονικά σημαίνει την εφαρμογή μίας κυρτής καμπύλης σε μία επιφάνεια για αισθητικούς λόγους. Επίσης εξυπηρετεί μία μηχανική λειτουργία που σχετίζεται με τη δύναμη, τη λέξη-κλειδί στη συνεργασία που έφερε κοντά τους Sakata, Yermenoglou, Di Domenico και Damianidis σε ένα διήμερο ζωντανών εμφανίσεων στο Duende jazz club στην Θεσσαλονίκη τον Μάιο του 2018. Ο δίσκος είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δεύτερης μέρας, 50΄ λεπτά καθαρού αυτοσχεδιασμού όπως ακριβώς συνέβη, αποτυπώνοντας τη μαγεία της στιγμής, την ουσία του ελεύθερου αυτοσχεδιασμού. Μία σπουδαία ανάμνηση έντονης, ελεύθερης, ανοικτής, βαθειά εσωτερικής μουσικής χωρίς όρια.
Ηχογραφήθηκε ζωντανά από τον Minas Vasiliou στο Duende Jazz Club στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Μίξη από τον Giovanni Di Domenico. Artwork και design από τον Ioannis Koukotzilas. Αυτοσχεδιασμοί από τους Akira Sakata (alto saxophone, clarinet, vocals, bells), Christos Yermenoglou (drums, percussion), Giovanni Di Domenico (piano), Giotis Damianidis (guitar). Κυκλοφόρησε στις 12 Μαίου 2019 σε CD και σε 12’ LP (περιορισμένη έκδοση) από την eL NEGOCITO/Mr. Nakayasi/S7 records.

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